Jenia Titov – Snap Academy

Jenia Titov – Snap Academy

in on 08/18/2020
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Jenia Titov – Snap Academy
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  • ⭐ Last Updated Date: 03-18-2024
  • ⭐ Course Size: 499 MB

Jenia Titov - Snap Academy (499 MB)

Last Updated Date: 03-18-2024

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Jenia Titov - Snap Academy
01-Intro - Welcome to Snap Academy
02-Snap Academy 6 Lessons
01-Intro - Welcome to Snap Academy
01-Intro - Welcome to Snap Academy from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
02-What Kind of Product Can I sell on Snapchat.pdf
02-What kind of Product Can i Sell on Snap from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
03-Checklist Before Lunching First Campaign.pdf
03-Checklist Before Lunching First Campaign from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
02-Snap Academy 6 Lessons
01-Lesson #1 - Install Snapchat Pixel.pdf
01-PART 1 - INSTALL PIXEL from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
02-Lesson #2 - How to Create Creatives that Get Approved and Convert.pdf
02-PART 2 - CREATE ADS from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
03-PART 3 - TEST ADS from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
04-PART 4 - PURCHASE PIXEL BID from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
05-PART 5 - LLA Audince + Retarget PIXEL from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
06-PART 6 - SCALING from Snap Acedamy on Vimeo.mp4
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Jenia Titov is a well-known entrepreneur and online marketer who has recently launched Snap Academy, a platform designed to help individuals learn how to effectively use Snapchat for business. With the rise of social media marketing, it’s no surprise that many people are looking for ways to leverage platforms like Snapchat to promote their products and services.

So, what exactly can you expect to get out of Jenia Titov’s Snap Academy? Let’s take a closer look.

First and foremost, Snap Academy provides users with valuable information on what kind of products can be successfully sold on Snapchat. While some platforms may be better suited for certain types of products, Snapchat has its own unique audience and features that can be leveraged to sell a variety of goods and services. Whether you’re selling physical products, digital products, or services, Jenia Titov’s Snap Academy can help you tailor your strategy to fit the platform.

Before launching your first Snapchat campaign, Snap Academy recommends going through a checklist to ensure success. This checklist includes important steps such as installing the Snapchat Pixel, creating creatives that will get approved and convert, testing interests and A/B creatives, using the Pixel Purchase bid strategy, and more. By following this checklist, you can set yourself up for a successful campaign that drives results.

One of the key lessons taught in Snap Academy is how to create creatives that not only get approved by Snapchat but also convert viewers into customers. This is essential for any successful marketing campaign, as the quality of your creatives can greatly impact the success of your ads. By learning how to create engaging and compelling content, you can increase the chances of your ads being successful on Snapchat.

In addition, Snap Academy teaches users how to effectively test interests and A/B creatives to determine what works best for their target audience. Testing is a crucial part of any marketing campaign, as it allows you to optimize your ads for better performance. By testing different interests and creatives, you can refine your strategy and improve your results over time.

Another important lesson in Snap Academy is the Pixel Purchase bid strategy, which helps users maximize their ad spend and reach the right audience. By using the Pixel Purchase bid strategy, you can optimize your ad delivery to target users who are more likely to make a purchase, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and better ROI.

Retargeting is another key aspect of Snap Academy, as it allows users to reach out to customers who have already shown interest in their products or services. By retargeting Pixel and Lookalike Audience (LLA), you can re-engage with potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversion. This is a powerful strategy that can significantly improve your campaign performance.

Finally, Snap Academy teaches users how to scale their campaigns for maximum impact. By implementing strategic scaling techniques, you can increase your reach and drive more conversions without sacrificing efficiency or quality. Scaling is essential for growing your business and taking your marketing efforts to the next level.

Overall, Jenia Titov’s Snap Academy provides users with a comprehensive education on how to effectively use Snapchat for business. From understanding what products to sell to optimizing ad creatives and scaling campaigns, Snap Academy covers all the essential aspects of successful Snapchat marketing. Whether you’re new to Snapchat marketing or looking to take your campaigns to the next level, Snap Academy can help you achieve your goals.


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